As a choir leader I work with the focus that it must be fun and also challenging to sing in a choir. I work with methods from The Intelligent Choir (developed by Jim Daus Hjernøe) with expression, intonation, blend, groove, rhythm and sound as a focus.
- KorKompagniet,, FOF Aarhus 2020-
- KaserneKoret, Aarhus 2019-
- Randers Seniorkor, Randers 2019-
- Popkoor HUGO, Woudrichem (The Netherlands) 2018
- Vocal Group UpNorth, Zeewolde (The Netherlands) 2016-2017
- Gospelkoor Masjiach, Scherpenzeel (The Netherlands) 2016-2018
- NordKor, Aalborg 2015-2016
- Kor i dagslys, Fokus Aalborg 2015-2016
- Ren Kvint, Aalborg 2014-2015
- Con Ritmo, FOF Aarhus 2014
- KaserneKoret, Aarhus 2011-2016
- Choir on Egå Ungdomshøjskole, Aarhus 2011